Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Curse of the JoJoland Socks

Did I have to rip out the first foot because I made the heel-flap too big, creating a sock wide enough for Hagrid? Yes. Did I re-knit that foot and get it right? Yes. Did I do the exact same thing as I knit the other sock? Yes. ("Did you use the same needles?" my husband asked. No. But they were the same size!) Did the second sock also come out wide enough for both of my feet? Almost. Did I fail to notice this until I was two rows away from sewing the seam at the toe? Yes. So, my friends, did I have to rip out the foot of the second sock and begin to re-knit it? Yes. After Karli's help determining that my husband was correct- using a different set of double-pointed needles from the first sock resulted in my knitting slightly more loosely, which added up to a wider sock. Arrrrrrrrghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Did I cry? No. Did I throw the sock in the trash can on top of eggshells and coffee grounds? No. I sucked it up. I chose to embrace knitting as a discipline. I chose to humbly learn my lesson and resume my daily work. Did I lose one of my needles last night while I was humbly doing this work? Yes. Do I have a replacement? No. See what I mean about the curse?

So this is what I made this week, when I was not so inspired to finish that f-ing sock.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ruby's Chocolate Cookies

Ruby's Chocolate Cookies, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

Ivy asked me to knit her some chocolate cookies, so I whipped up this batch last night and this afternoon. So easy and fun!!!!

While I wasn't knitting my socks

Noro shrug, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

I made this last week. LOVE it! I have never worn a shrug in my life, and this is really like a short top, but it's so nice.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Here's something else new

I am very excited that this arrived in my mailbox a couple of days ago. It's a beautiful needle felting kit I bought on Etsy from Green Mountain Wee Woolies ( I can't wait to figure out how to make cute little embellishments for my knits!


Um, you know that picture of the sock with the foot part well on it's way? That had to go. It was enormous. I learned the hard way that there's a reason that you only knit a heel flap until it's square. I did this ripping at the end of my afternoon at Gauge on Sunday, with the support and encouragement of all my knitting ladies. It hurt. So much that I had to hide the socks from my sight and cast on some quick therapy in the form of Noro Silk Garden. It's going to be a shrug.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

JoMama's socks

JoMama's socks, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

I've become more focused on knitting these JoJoland Melody socks that I started months ago. I finally finished the leg parts, so I got more interested. I plan to knit a cream border for the top of the socks as well.

Foot close-up

Foot close-up, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

Heel flap

Heel flap, originally uploaded by Ladymama.