Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Korknisse with Holiday Pagoda

Korknisse with Holiday Pagoda, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

What I did this weekend while I was avoiding the sleeves of my February Lady Sweater.

Ridiculously Easy Mary Janes

Ridiculously Easy Mary Janes, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ridiculously Easy Mary Janes

R.E. MJs 2, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

Love 'em. This is the best pattern ever for a beginning knitter.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Oswald and Weenie

Oswald and Weenie, originally uploaded by Ladymama.

I'm working on Christmas stuff now, so I can't post photos of a lot of things I'm knitting. But I made this for Ivy several weeks ago.