Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ask me what I think

Last week I had the privilege of being part of a market research group lead by celebrity crafters and Austinites Jennifer Perkins and Vickie Howell. Not sure why they picked me, as I'm certain they had loads of volunteers and only ended up doing 2 groups of eight. Having DVR-ed Vickie's show Knitty Gritty religiously last spring, I was pretty psyched to get to sit around gabbing with her. I hadn't seen Jen's show, but she was actually really cool, someone I'd like to go out for drinks with. So we got to eat Thundercloud and M&Ms and talk about where we like to shop for craft supplies, what we don't like about the stores, what we buy, what we think is cool, etc. So fun! The focus group ended up being for Michael's Craft Store, and I got a $50 gift card, which I plan to use for knitting books and maybe needles. If Michael's were to ask me what I think again, I'd tell them that I think they should enable web shopping from their site instead of just telling you about their merchandise. Come on, now.

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